Friday, April 4, 2008

Welcome To Norton High's GSA Blog!!!

Welcome to Norton Highs first Gay-Straight Alliance [blog]. As co-founder and president, Kim Roderick, I have created this blog for people in and outside of Norton High to share experiences, post discussion questions, or whatever. My dear friend and Norton Highs other co-founder and president, Alex Clegg has created a Myspace for any one who would like to add it to your friends.The link will be posted in due time. Feel free to send in pictures to it, or anything else that may be relevant. We will both be updating the blog and the Myspace at least once every week. We'll start holding meetings on April 28, 2008. After every meeting we'll upload photos, and information from the meeting. If you have any questions please feel free to contact either Alex or myself. [And please refrain from leaving negative comments, it is rude and we don't appreciate it. We do not discriminate against any one.]

Kim & Alex.

1 comment:

NHS Student Council said...

We think it's great that you guys are doing this. Keep up the good work!!

P.S. Great blog!